Attendees: Tammy Gerstner, Dawn Heaney, Amy Martinez, Dave Poole, Fr. Khoi Tran, Suzan Tugman, Heather Whited
Agenda: Endowment Fund Drive Christmas Schedule Service Projects Knights of Columbus
Call to Order: 7:04p - Meeting called to order with opening prayer by Fr. Khoi.
Endowment Fund Drive
In place of the Fall Festival this year, Father would like to hold an Endowment Fund Drive.
Each donation over $20.00 will receive a commemorative t-shirt.
Information about the Endowment Fund Drive will be placed in the bulletin.
Corrine will reach out to the Advancement Foundation to set up an accounting code so donations will not be taxed.
‘St. Jude Endowment Fund’ should be written on the memo line of all donation checks received.
Checks should still be made payable to Saint Jude Thaddeus
Christmas Schedule
The Diocese is asking about our Christmas Schedule
We will not have an Advent Mission, as we have in previous years.
Deacon Dave will look into an advent guide for parishioners to use.
We have not set a penance service schedule yet.
The Diocese is asking for us to add more Masses to our Christmas schedule; however, Father already has a full schedule.
Our Christmas Schedule will remain the same
There will be an overflow in the Parish Hall
Deacon Dave will provide communion to the overflow Mass
There will be a live stream of the Mass.
Deacon Dave will ask the Knights of Columbus to be ushers during the Christmas Mass, so they can direct the overflow, once we reach capacity.
Father asked Members to vote on subtracting a Mass or keeping it the same
Members voted to keep the schedule the same
Service Projects
We will support the Evergreen Healthcare Center in our upcoming service project.
Deacon Dave will reach out to Evergreen to confirm their wish list as well as the number of clients.
Amy will head up this service project.
Once the wish list has been confirmed, we will place the information in the bulletin as well as the announcements.
When donated items for the wish list arrive, we can organize a workday to put the items together.
Father indicated that we would double our monthly contributions to Grace Ministries and the Senior Citizen’s Center.
The Senior Citizen Fish Fry will take place on Saturday, October 17th. Dawn will place this in the bulletin.
Father asked the Knights of Columbus to take the initiative to provide events that resemble the parish community.
Taco Tuesday will take place on October 20th.
Oktoberfest will take place on October 24th.
Halloween treats for kids after the 5p Mass on October 31st and free chili bowls to-go.
Questions, Remarks, Suggestions, and Comments
Father reminded members to contact the parish office, if they hear of a person, family, or organization in need of help.
Heather indicated the school can always use new packs of underwear of all sizes, as the children often have accidents.
Father mentioned that Carmen resigned from her position as the Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministries, as our Youth Ministry is uncertain at this time. The Diocese is encouraging an online Youth Ministry.
Father asked if the Altar Society wanted to take up wrapping of gifts for the community this year. Dave suggested the High School students may want to help, as many will need service hours.
Our next Pastoral Council Meeting will take place on Thursday, November 5th.
Meeting adjourned: 7:43p - Meeting adjourned with a closing prayer by Father Khoi.