Father’s expectations of the Pastoral Council are to advise him, to be his eyes and ears, and to provide him with feedback.
The Ministries and groups throughout the parishes have been decimated. There is more that we need to be doing to advance the works of Christ.
There should be twelve members of the Pastoral Council.
Father asked if Thursdays at 7:00p is still the best time for the council to meet. Members agreed this is still the best time to hold the Pastoral Council Meetings.
Father asked each member to introduce themselves and give a brief overview of their service to the parish.
Father asked Council Members to name ministries they would like to implement or reinstate at the parish. Some of the ministries mentioned, already exist.
Top Five Ministries
Father asked each council member to choose the top five ministries they would like to see implemented. Members chose the following: Youth Ministry, Sick/Shut-ins, Guardian Ministry, Bereavement Ministry
Fall Service Project
We will support the MSU Catholic Campus Center (CCC) for our upcoming Fall Service Project.
Linda will head up the project
We will gather donated food items and deliver them to the CCC at the end of the third week in September.
Fall Festival
Michael Richter reminded us that the Fall Festival is twelve weeks away.
There are concerns about shortages
He would like to meet with the team next Tuesday at 7:00p in the parish hall
Michael will make an announcement after Mass this weekend
Sign-up board needs to be sent to Keith
We will not have the raffle this year.
Questions, Remarks, Suggestions, and Comments
Homework from Father. Read through his S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) handouts and return them to him with your honest thoughts.
Meeting adjourned: 8:35p - Meeting adjourned with a closing prayer by Father Moreno.