Joint Pastoral and Finance Council Meeting - September 2017
PRESENT: Greg Leonard Susie Nix, Linda Gibson, Mike Tugman, Susan Tugman, Winona Peoples, Tom Peoples, Elizabeth Casteen, Larry McMahill, Mike Richter, Heather Whited, Carmen Ortiz, Tina Giger, Fr. Khoi
Fr. Khoi gave an update to St. Jude’s current finances:
$12,139.30 in checking
$111,357.75 in savings
$101.236.02 General savings with a projected withdrawal of $50,000 to lower the Parish Hall Renovation Project's loan amount.
$10,121.74 Maintenance savings.
Parish Hall Renovation Project's total is $343,235.
$190,000 to be paid from our Advancement Foundation account, $50,000 from General Savings, which will leave an estimated loan amount of $103,235. Fr. Khoi is waiting for final loan terms from the Diocese.
Ongoing maintenance projects:
Lighting replacement, totaling around $9,000. $6,000 will come out of the maintenance fund and the parish will pay out the remaining $3,000 over 4 months.
Replacement of the roof for the church and rectory.
Future project: Beautification around the Parish Hall.
Review of Service Projects
Fall 2017
Car wash for donated canned goods.
Thanksgiving dinner with military and/or the homeless.
Rake yards for the elderly, and handicapped.
Winter 2017
Angel Tree
Coat drive
Christmas carols at the nursing homes
Christmas presents for hospital patients
Fall Festival, October 29, 2017
The Bishop will dedicate the new Parish Hall.
Our festival goal is $12,000 net profit.
Discussed pros and cons of having a drive-through service. The Council agrees that we will not have a drive-through this year.
We will have new T-shirts for sale.
The volunteer sign-up board will be up in the church foyer by October 1.
Parish Directory – after the 1st of the year.
Linda Gibson will be the liaison.
Continue to encourage parishioners to take and send in pictures from different parish events.
Other businesses
Fr. Khoi not a proponent of renting out the Parish Hall. There is concern about liability, damage, etc. After much discussion, the Council members also agreed that the Parish should not rent out the Hall.
Fr. Khoi has talked with the Knights of Columbus about doing more Parish-based projects.
We continue to have a good relationship with the Scouts. They want to continue helping with Parish activities.
We want to continue connecting with the community at large.
The first Altar Society meeting of the year went well.
We have 10 new families registered with the Parish.