Joint Pastoral and Finance Council Meeting - March 2018
PRESENT: Mike Richter, Susan Tugman, Dave Poole, Linda Gibson, Elizabeth Casteen, Tammy Gerstner, Heather Whited, Lawrence Cutrone, Fr. Khoi
Fr. Khoi recapped current financial information.
General Checking $9,342.42
Total Savings $56,404.22
General Savings $51,585.85 (1.5% interest)
Maintenance Savings $4,818.37
Fr. Khoi is working on building up the Maintenance account to have additional $2000 by the end of this fiscal year.
Advancement Foundation $ 2,361.00
Each week we bring in $400-500 additional to help pay on Building Fund debt.
Parish Hall Loan info:
Outstanding as of 2/26/2018 $ 89,993.86
Monthly payments are: $1,990.82 (about $450 goes to interest)
The Capital Campaign ends in April. After Easter, Fr. Khoi will ask the community to continue to give for one more year.
Proposed Parking Lot Project
Mr. Cutrone reported they may start the weekend of 3/3/2018, weather permitting.
The scope of the project will include cleaning, fill and repair cracks, put seal coat on, and restriping.
$2,600 will be paid to B&C Asphalt.
1/3 material deposit, and the remainder paid upon completion.
Parish Service Day will be 3/18/2018
We will be cooking and serving "breakfast for dinner" at Faith Refuge.
Family Fun Day is scheduled for June 10.
This will kick off Vacation Bible School week (June 11 thru June 15, 6:00-8:30).
VBS will be coordinated again by Mary Brady. It will be held at the Parish.
Parish Pictorial Directory
Linda Gibson gave an update. We can schedule Life Touch to come and do pictures in April or May. They can do 25 families per day. Families will need to sign up. Times will be from 2PM-9PM.
Fr. Khoi would like to Directory completed by our 2018 Fall Festival.
Fr. Khoi reminded the Council of his General Pastoral Vision for the next three years