Liturgy and Sacristy - Suzan Tugman (Coordinator)
Adoration Ministry: Marie King & Debi Smith (Coordinators)
Vacation Bible School - Julie Richard (Coordinator)
Parish Fall Festival - Mike Richter (Chair), Helen Lung
Our Lady of Good Counsel Altar Society - Helen Lung (President)
Knights of Columbus Council 7371 - John Danks (Grand Knight) and Bill Trice (Deputy Grand Knight)
Holy Mowers (Lawn Care) - Dean Rivard & Greg Leonard (Coordinators)
Parish Service and Outreach Projects - Pastoral Advisory Council Members
Grace Ministries Liason - Billie Herbert
Children & Youth Religious Education - Sue Ruschenberg (coordinator)
Confirmation - Emma Brown (coordinator)
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) - Fabian Heaney
Care Ministry (Holy Communion to the homebound) - Bill Trice (coordinator)
Guardian Ministry - Paul Gerstner (coordinator)
Photo by Everett Ivey