Call to Order: 7:01p - Meeting called to order with opening prayer by Fr. Khoi.
Spiritual Check-in
If you know someone who is elderly and you have not seen them for a while, or seen them at Mass, call Father Khoi or Deacon Dave and they will check on them.
The Parish is doing what we can to keep a check on people and keeping up with prayer requests.
Encourage people to check-in and to use the Spiritual Check-in.
Service Schedule Overview
Blessing of the Throats – This will not be an individual blessing as in the past. This will be a general blessing.
Easter and Lenten Schedule
There will be a Eucharistic Night Watch
Easter Vigil will take place at St. Jude Thaddeus
Adoration will continue throughout the Lenten season.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday services will be cut back. There will be a service at Christ the King and Mass at St. Jude Thaddeus.
Ashes will not be distributed on the forehead as in the past. Due to pandemic protocols, ashes will be sprinkled on the head.
A new QR code is now on the back of the bulletin to make it more helpful to attend Mass and make participation more convenient.
This weekend the Knights are serving Sloppy Joe’s.
Fish Fries will be available to-go at the KC Mini-Kitchen from 5p to 7p.
Please support the Knights of Columbus. They have helped us to keep moving forward during the pandemic.
First Communion and Confirmation Formation are all taking place on-site again.
Confirmation will take place on Pentecost Sunday.
Father would like to give First Communion to our children before he leaves.
Service-Oriented Items
Grace Ministries needs list is posted in the bulletin. Please continue to support Grace Ministries. They are always in need of volunteers.
USDA Farm to Family Food Truck
Please pass along information about the USDA food truck that will be here in Burk on Saturday, February 13th beginning at 8a. The food will be distributed at Providence Baptist Church.
Our Knights of Columbus will be there to assist with distribution.
If you know someone in need, please stop by and pick up a box for them.
Father Khoi asked Corrine to continue to double our donations to charities until March.
Donations to the school will be matched by the parish and given to the school.
Father Khoi has been putting money aside into savings and will continue to do so until March. After this, he will get the general operations account built back up, so it will be there for the new priest when he arrives.
The Blessing Box is being filled on a regular basis. Please continue to support the Blessing Box.
Faith, Community, and Service are the three things we need to continue at all our parishes. This is what Father Khoi has built the three parishes on since he has been here.
MSU Catholic Center
The Community Center needs new lights installed; however, Debbie’s budget was cut, and she cannot afford to replace them. Father Khoi asked her to get a quote to replace the lights. The quote came from Willen Electric for $1,800. Father agreed to help with the cost and also presented this to the Deanery to ask for their help as well.
This weekend we will collect Valentine’s Day treats for the teachers at John Tower Elementary School.
If you have any ideas on how to better serve our parish, please let us know.
Our next Joint Pastoral/Financial Council Meeting will take place on Thursday, March 4th.
Questions, Remarks, Suggestions, and Comments
Tammy asked if we know anything about the priest we may be getting. Father does not know but will soon since he is on the Personnel Board.
Amy noted there would be no Altar Society Meeting this month.
Meeting adjourned: 8:22p - Meeting adjourned with a closing prayer by Father Khoi.